The mother of updates
Whew. Well the holidays are over :( Coming into work yesterday was brutal. BRUTAL. It was really upsetting leaving Quinny after having so much time off! She has seriously grown into the most adorable, huggable, loveable little baby and I still can't believe how big she is getting everyday. Quinny had her 6 month appointment a couple days after Christmas and everything looks good! She is a tad on the slim side, but the doctor said just by watching how active she was on the table, it wouldn't surprise her if she wasburning off her calories with that all wiggling and jiggling. Seriously, this girl must burn at least 500 calories in her Jumparoo. She goes wild in that thing! She did well with her shots too, even her flu shot that was she old enough to get this time. She has to go back in a month to get a second one though. Here are her stats and a couple more random tid bits:
Weight: 15 lbs, 1 oz
Length: 26 inches
Eating: 3 meals a day (the girl loves her fruit. Bananas and applesauce are her favorite)
Sleeping: 8-8! It is amazing. On occasion she will still get up around 4 or 5 because she is used to eating then but the pediatrician told us to try and cut out that feeding and she has been doing great! She even let us sleep until 9 this past weekend! She is definitely our kid.
Wearing: 6 month clothes. Still fits in some 3 and 3-6 months.
Crawling: More like scooting. Although she has started getting into a crawling position and then trying to launch yourself into the air. Cute, yes. Safe, absolutely not!
Talking: Not too much! Although daddy is best at getting giggles out of you and mama is trying her darndest to get you to say mama!
New milestones: Trying to get her to use a sippy cup! Not much luck yet, but we will get the hang of it :)
We had a pretty low key New Years, spending it with our friends Colleen and Jason and their baby Brenna boo, QT's bff. I couldn't believe how hard it was to stay up until midnight! A 6 month old will do that to you I guess :) Here are a few pictures of our big girl!

I will have to get around to changing my blog design sometime soon, but I am just too lazy to think about that now :)
Weight: 15 lbs, 1 oz
Length: 26 inches
Eating: 3 meals a day (the girl loves her fruit. Bananas and applesauce are her favorite)
Sleeping: 8-8! It is amazing. On occasion she will still get up around 4 or 5 because she is used to eating then but the pediatrician told us to try and cut out that feeding and she has been doing great! She even let us sleep until 9 this past weekend! She is definitely our kid.
Wearing: 6 month clothes. Still fits in some 3 and 3-6 months.
Crawling: More like scooting. Although she has started getting into a crawling position and then trying to launch yourself into the air. Cute, yes. Safe, absolutely not!
Talking: Not too much! Although daddy is best at getting giggles out of you and mama is trying her darndest to get you to say mama!
New milestones: Trying to get her to use a sippy cup! Not much luck yet, but we will get the hang of it :)
We had a pretty low key New Years, spending it with our friends Colleen and Jason and their baby Brenna boo, QT's bff. I couldn't believe how hard it was to stay up until midnight! A 6 month old will do that to you I guess :) Here are a few pictures of our big girl!

I will have to get around to changing my blog design sometime soon, but I am just too lazy to think about that now :)
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