A Nice Weekend

This weekend was too short! I feel like we got a crap ton done, but it was way, way too short. Of course it would be!

It started off oh, so very relaxing. Quinn wanted to "dance!" on Saturday morning which turned into her playing quietly in her room while I got to enjoy some coffee and taking cute pictures of her. 

We went to dinner on Saturday night, which was a bad idea considering this one slept 10 minutes the entire day. We are so used to her being so good whenever we take her out, but we were definitely getting the side eye from a few people. Good thing she's cute.

Me and mama had a yard sale on Sunday (hence my husband carrying all of those purses) and Quinn, as usual was a huge help!


She must have been exhausted because while me and mama were chatting, this happened.

Yup. We won't show daddy this, will we baby?

Sunday afternoon was spent filling doing lots, and lots, and even more yard work. My muscles don't like me very much today, but the outside is starting to look pretty nice!

We finally ended the weekend with the couch and cuddle time with these. Good God is there anything cuter than baby toes and hands?!

 Hope everyone had a nice weekend! Happy Monday!


  1. Looks like the weather was nice where you are! It was rainy and cold here all weekend - we got some house cleaning and a whole lot of snuggling done! :)

    1. We had a crappy Saturday, but Sunday was nice!

      Those are the best weekends :)


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