Our Little Graduate!

Well she did it. She graduated Preschool. Which makes me so sad because wasn't I just sad about her starting preschool?! She has learned so much in the last 9 months, its scary. Her teacher and I had a talk about her doing so well and the fact that she only came to school twice a week. (Yeah, we were those parents who did the absolute minimum!) She is reading, can count to 100, count 100 by tens and seriously just is a fountain of random knowledge. I told her teacher, we've always worked with her at home but its her personality that just loves to learn about anything and everything. And I am so thankful for that! She is super ready for Kindergarten, even if mommy is not. 

I am just so proud of her. I know she has some social advancements to make. Girlfriend is not the best sharer, but I am sure Kindergarten will whip her right into shape. 

In the most shocking news, Harper was actually pretty good during the long ceremony. Having both grandmas within arms reach certainly helped!

And this is where the water works started for mama. And the fact that they decided to play R. Kelly's The World's Greatest was both sad and hilarious to me!

She is such a good kid. It was a really long ceremony and all the kids were about done by the end, but she is just such a chill little girl. She would smile and blow me kisses every time I looked at her and all I kept thinking is how lucky I am to be her mama. 

She is obsessed with her teachers (sorry for that photo Mrs. Kim!). And her helper teacher Mrs. Margaret happens to be her besties mom, so she really was just the happiest kid ever. 

I think Harper will miss Mrs. Kim as much as Quinn will! And so will mommy. Walking into her classroom and having Harper run right to the door and scream "QUINNY!!" was my favorite moment every week. I hope Harper can have the chance to be in Mrs. Kim's class one day. 

We came home after an exhausted Quinn fell asleep in the car and woke up crying saying "I WANT CAKE!" I feel you girl. 

And this is Harper asking for a "grandma sandwich". 

It was such a mind boggling night. I still can't believe I have an almost 5 year old. And that soon I will be in charge of three kids. I mean, I'm not good at adulting. It feels weird lol. The next day was the last day of school pizza party, which brought more tears. I talked to 3 different moms who told me their kids cried themselves to sleep the night before because they were going to miss Mrs. Kim so much. And that made me feel so much better. Because Quinn had been crying about not wanting to go to Kindergarten and wanting to see Mrs. Kim everyday. She is such a sensitive, sweet girl. Anthony keeps reminding me that it's a huge change for them and that Kindergarten will be different because she'll be in the same school for the next 8 years. So I am hoping the yearly transitions only get easier from here on out!

So proud of you big girl. Mommy and Daddy love you so very much!


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